Ana AE Fix

Ana Chapman

I gave my heart to Jesus Christ on September 5, 1982 and there is no greater joy than serving and loving the living God and His Son Jesus Christ through the power of His Holy Spirit. I Started singing and recording songs to praise and worship Him in 1985, but I have been writing songs and poetry since the 4th grade. Other than choirs and musical theatre, I have always been terrified of singing in front of anyone, yet, even in the 5th grade I would sneek out of my window at night to sing under the street light. I would sing for hours. Many years later I was singing my songs to the Lord and I prayed, “Lord, when I get to heaven, may I sing?” I heard Him say “Why not now?” After the wonderful encouragement of several Pastors that the Lord put in my life, here we are with 6 albums of recorded music, with three of them connected as ap musical to document the prophecies that Christ fulfilled. All of the music that I write is to Glorify our Lord Jesus Christ, Yeshua Ha Mashiach. I pray that you are blessed.

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